Highlights of 2020 Trip to Brazil with Royal Dutch Cigars

In February 2020 James was yet again given another trip of a life time to Brazil care of Royal Dutch and Ritmeester Cigars UK. During this trip we would visit the Terra Dannemann spiritual home in Bahia Brazil, having a behind the scenes insight on how Royal Dutch grow, harvest and cure their tobaccos.
Taking in the beautiful city of Salvador on our first day then a boat trip over to the island of Maragojipe on our second day. After that we headed on down to the very historical town of Cachoeira where we stayed in an old convent now a converted into a hotel. From here we got to visit the Fazenda (farm) of Dannemann to see how the real complex art of of how they are growing tobacco to supply all over the world.
Everything from seeding plantation, drying, fermentation and wrapper selection. After this we would visit the traditional Cigar Rolling factory in Sao Felix where we all got the chance to hand roll our own Dannemann Robusto Mata Fina Cigars!
Seeing what Royal Dutch have got to offer and hearing the exciting news of what is to come in the very near future I am really excited to be working with them to give my customers some of the very best hand rolled Cigarillos and Cigars in the world.
I would also like to give a massive thank you to Dave Williams and Andy Swain from Ritmeester Cigars UK for inviting me on this magical trip, also for looking after me so well !! See the photo gallery below of my trip to Brazil.